When Should I Consult My Orthodontist Urgently?

Par Dr. Normand Bach 31/05/2024

When Should I Consult My Orthodontist Urgently?

Consult my orthodontist urgently: We tend to consult an orthodontist for treatment that may take several months. After a diagnosis and complementary examinations, the specialist discusses our malocclusions or other pathologies and suggests a personalized treatment plan. This will be punctuated by visits at regular intervals.

However, in addition to regular visits during orthodontic treatment, incidents or emergencies may arise. Accordingly, an incidental visit will be necessary.

With his many years of professional experience, Dr. Normand Bach, in the heart of Montréal’s Plateau-Mont-Royal, has identified the situations that most often require an emergency consultation.

Let’s take a look at some of the incidents and emergencies that can arise during an orthodontic treatment.

When Should I See My Orthodontist Urgently?

1.     Loose orthodontic bands or brackets

In the unfortunate event of an orthodontic band coming loose, it is important to make an appointment so that the professional can reattach it. The orthodontist or a member of his team will be able to remedy the situation quickly.

2.     Wires that injure the cheek or tongue, or ring-related pain

To start with, orthodontic wax can provide relief. However, if the pain persists or if there is any discomfort, don’t hesitate to seek medical advice.

3.     Irritating wires

The orthodontist can adjust the position of the wire and put everything back into place. It is advisable to make an appointment if this happens during treatment.

4.     Pain after braces have been fitted

Certain types of pain are more characteristic than others, and may appear after the new appliance has been fitted. These include irritation of the tongue, cheeks and lips. In this case, we suggest you use mouthwash and the orthodontic wax you were given when the braces were fitted.

Orthodontic wax can be found in pharmacies, and its use will gradually close the mucous membranes almost imperceptibly.

In addition, you may experience some discomfort due to the tension exerted by the new appliance on your teeth. This is quite normal after each activation of the appliance, and usually lasts only two or three days. If necessary, talk to the professionals at the orthodontic clinic.

5.     Damaged removable appliances

If your removable appliance should break during your treatment plan, don’t try to wear it, but make an appointment to have it repaired or replaced, if necessary.

6.     Teeth-related incidents

It’s important to inform your orthodontist about any incidents involving your teeth. This includes falls, sports injuries, car accidents, etc. The specialist will be able to check the condition of your teeth and ensure that there are no negative impacts on the orthodontic appliance itself.

The Quality of Braces

While such incidents may require an emergency appointment with your orthodontist, it is important to know that the appliances on the market are well-proven and such situations occur only rarely.

Moreover, during your initial visits, your orthodontist will take all the necessary steps to suggest the most optimal treatment for your current condition.

At the Dr. Normand Bach Orthodontic Clinic, we make sure during your treatment visits to review the appliance in your mouth, to ask about your comfort level with the appliance, and most importantly, to make any necessary adjustments.

At the clinic, we also take the time to ask you a number of questions to check how you react with the appliance in your mouth. Regular follow-up greatly reduces potential incidents or emergency visits.

Finally, orthodontic technology has greatly improved patient follow-up and reduced the number of appliance-related incidents.



Restore Rapidly Your Radiant Smile!

With his customized treatments, Dr. Normand Bach not only corrects your malocclusions, he also works to restore your confidence.

By combining orthodontic treatment with the appearance of your smile, the orthodontist ensures that his patients’ needs are met holistically. This happy combination delivers convincing results, both aesthetically and dentally.

To revive your radiant smile and correct tooth malposition or other oral pathologies, come and consult Dr. Normand Bach’s team, in the heart of Montréal’s Plateau-Mont-Royal. A dedicated, professional team welcomes you with simplicity. Book an appointment today.

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